200 Inspirational christian quotes
A good leader knows the way, shows, the way, and goes the way
A little encouragement can spark a great accomplishment
An offence against your neighbor is a fence between you and God
Because Christ lives in us, we will live with him forever
Bible study is meant not merely to inform but to transform
Caring people are sharing people ( inspirational christian quotes)
Christ removes our guilty past and gives us a glorious future
Christ showed his love by dying for us, we show ours by living for him
Christ birth brought God to man, but it took Christ's death to bring man to God
Contentment isn't getting what we want, but being satisfied with what we have
Conversion of a sinner takes only a moment; growth of a saint ( inspirational christian quotes)
Don't grumble if you don't have what you want; be thankful you don't get what you deserve
Faith sees things that are out of sight
God always gives his best to those who leaves the choice to him
God doesn't tell us everything, just everything we need to know
God tells us to burden him with whatever burdens us
God's comfort compensate for life's losses ( inspirational christian quotes)
God's warranty: you are covered for a lifetime
Grace: receiving what we don't deserve, mercy: not receiving what we do deserve
Great trials often proceeds great triumphs
Guard against evil or you will be influenced by it
Hate, like acid, damages the vessel in which it is stored and the object on which it is poured
He who has no money is poor, he who has nothing but money is even poorer.
Heaven is prepared for people who are prepared for heaven
If you fear God, you need nothing else.
In a world that "couldn't care less," we are to be people who couldn't care more
Keep a cool head and a warm heart
Nothing is more cosglg than loving-except not loving
One plus God is always a majority
Our afflictions are designed not to break us but to bend us towards God
Praise is the song of a soul set free
Praising God turns burdens into blessings
Prayer is not a way to get what we want but a way to become what God wants
Religion may inform and reform, but only Christ can transform
Repentance not only rejects the wrong but returns to the right
Room for improvements is the largest room in the world
Salvation is free-but only to those who ask for it ( inspirational christian quotes)
Salvation is not what we achieve but what we receive
Seven days without church makes one weak
Some people have plenty to live on but nothing to live for
Sometimes it takes the dark to teach us to walk in God's light
Talk to God about people before you talk to people about God
The best way to know God's will, is to say "I will" to God ( inspirational christian quotes)
The Christian life is a battleground not a playground
The first step to receive God's forgiveness is to admit that we need it
The God who holds the universe is the God who is holding you, the measure of our love for God is our obedience
The measure of our love for God is our obedience ( inspirational christian quotes)
The new birth creates a new appetite and requires a new diet
The one who lives only for this life will have eternity to regret it
The one who took great care to create the universe knows how to care for you
The only leader worth following is the leader who is following Christ
The presence of trouble does not mean the absence of God
The sins of others always seems greater than our own ( inspirational christian quotes)
The trouble with a little sin is that it doesn't stay little
Those who give the gospel must live the gospel
To ease another's heartache is to forgive one's own
To escaped temptation flee to God
To stay youthful, stay useful ( inspirational christian quotes)
Trials teach trust
True freedom is found in captivity to Christ
Unless we rely on God's power within us, we will yield to the pressure around us
We are not ready to live until we are ready to die
We are the only picture of Christ some people will ever see
We don't need more of the spirit, the spirit needs more of us
We don't really know the Bible until we obey the Bible
We never graduate from the school of prayer
We really live when we live to give
What you worship determines what you become
When God puts you on hold don't hangup ( inspirational christian quotes)
When we have nothing left but God, we find that God is enough
When worry walks kn, strength walks out, but strength returns when we let God in
When you can't be there, you can help through prayer
When your will is God's will, you will have your will
While you prepare a place for us, Lord, prepare us for that place
With God behind you, you can face whatever is ahead of you
You can have tons of religion without one ounce of salvation
You can never conquer sin with an excuse ( inspirational christian quotes)
You cant put your sins behind you, until you are ready to face them
You don't need to know where you are going if you know God is leading
A little encouragement can spark a great accomplishment
An offence against your neighbor is a fence between you and God
Because Christ lives in us, we will live with him forever
Bible study is meant not merely to inform but to transform
Caring people are sharing people ( inspirational christian quotes)
Christ removes our guilty past and gives us a glorious future
Christ showed his love by dying for us, we show ours by living for him
Christ birth brought God to man, but it took Christ's death to bring man to God
Contentment isn't getting what we want, but being satisfied with what we have
Conversion of a sinner takes only a moment; growth of a saint ( inspirational christian quotes)
Don't grumble if you don't have what you want; be thankful you don't get what you deserve
Faith sees things that are out of sight
God always gives his best to those who leaves the choice to him
God doesn't tell us everything, just everything we need to know
God tells us to burden him with whatever burdens us
God's comfort compensate for life's losses ( inspirational christian quotes)
God's warranty: you are covered for a lifetime
Grace: receiving what we don't deserve, mercy: not receiving what we do deserve
Great trials often proceeds great triumphs
Guard against evil or you will be influenced by it
Hate, like acid, damages the vessel in which it is stored and the object on which it is poured
He who has no money is poor, he who has nothing but money is even poorer.
Heaven is prepared for people who are prepared for heaven
If you fear God, you need nothing else.
In a world that "couldn't care less," we are to be people who couldn't care more
Keep a cool head and a warm heart
Nothing is more cosglg than loving-except not loving
One plus God is always a majority
Our afflictions are designed not to break us but to bend us towards God
Praise is the song of a soul set free
Praising God turns burdens into blessings
Prayer is not a way to get what we want but a way to become what God wants
Religion may inform and reform, but only Christ can transform
Repentance not only rejects the wrong but returns to the right
Room for improvements is the largest room in the world
Salvation is free-but only to those who ask for it ( inspirational christian quotes)
Salvation is not what we achieve but what we receive
Seven days without church makes one weak
Some people have plenty to live on but nothing to live for
Sometimes it takes the dark to teach us to walk in God's light
Talk to God about people before you talk to people about God
The best way to know God's will, is to say "I will" to God ( inspirational christian quotes)
The Christian life is a battleground not a playground
The first step to receive God's forgiveness is to admit that we need it
The God who holds the universe is the God who is holding you, the measure of our love for God is our obedience
The measure of our love for God is our obedience ( inspirational christian quotes)
The new birth creates a new appetite and requires a new diet
The one who lives only for this life will have eternity to regret it
The one who took great care to create the universe knows how to care for you
The only leader worth following is the leader who is following Christ
The presence of trouble does not mean the absence of God
The sins of others always seems greater than our own ( inspirational christian quotes)
The trouble with a little sin is that it doesn't stay little
Those who give the gospel must live the gospel
To ease another's heartache is to forgive one's own
To escaped temptation flee to God
To stay youthful, stay useful ( inspirational christian quotes)
Trials teach trust
True freedom is found in captivity to Christ
Unless we rely on God's power within us, we will yield to the pressure around us
We are not ready to live until we are ready to die
We are the only picture of Christ some people will ever see
We don't need more of the spirit, the spirit needs more of us
We don't really know the Bible until we obey the Bible
We never graduate from the school of prayer
We really live when we live to give
What you worship determines what you become
When God puts you on hold don't hangup ( inspirational christian quotes)
When we have nothing left but God, we find that God is enough
When worry walks kn, strength walks out, but strength returns when we let God in
When you can't be there, you can help through prayer
When your will is God's will, you will have your will
While you prepare a place for us, Lord, prepare us for that place
With God behind you, you can face whatever is ahead of you
You can have tons of religion without one ounce of salvation
You can never conquer sin with an excuse ( inspirational christian quotes)
You cant put your sins behind you, until you are ready to face them
You don't need to know where you are going if you know God is leading
Your life is God's gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God
200 Inspirational christian quotes
Reviewed by Unknown
September 01, 2017
Rating: 5