30 things you have never thought about PRAYER

30 things you have never thought about PRAYER

1. Prayer and praises hand in hand is one of the greatest ways to shake the hand of God
2. Evangelism is 70% prayer and 30% Reaching out
3. Can this ones go except by fasting and Prayer?
4. The greatest concern of the devil is to keep us from praying, he loves to see us up to our eyes in work- provided we do not pray.
5. In prayer you need to ‘PUSH’- Pray until Something happens
6. The devil doesn’t care or fear whether you are a bible student provided you are very little in prayer
7. Prayer is talking to God
8. You can’t be a fervent nor a faithful Christian without spending meaningful and quality time at the place of prayer
9. Satan laughs at our toiling mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray!
10. The greatest thing we can do for God and humanity is pray
11. When we pray God works as he has promised, fruitfulness in service can ONLY be measured by quality of our prayer
12. Ten minutes a day in prayer is a very inadequate portion of our time to take hold of the father when you have 24 hours
13. A praying Christian is a growing Christians
14. Prayer unlocks all doors if you don’t ask amiss
15. Is prayer repeating daily few phrases that have become practically meaningless, while are our thoughts are wandering away?
16. The fullness of your joy doesn’t depend on your effort, rather on your answered prayers
17. The biggest effort of the devil is to persuade us to neglect prayer, he makes us believe that we can do more all by ourselves¬¬- by our intercourse with people than by intercession with God
18. How dare we work for Christ without being much on our knees?
19. If we will do much for God, we must ask more from God
20. Nothing is beyond the scope of Prayer that is not beyond the will of God-and we do not desire to go out of his will
21. We may work for Christ from morning until night, we may spend much time in Bible study, we may be most earnest and faithful and acceptable in our preaching and in our individual dealing, but none of these things can be truly effective if we are not much in prayer, we will only be full of good works “but not being fruitful in every good works”
22. Much secret prayer means much public power
23. To be little with God in prayer is to be little for God in service
24. Call unto me I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you know not- God Promised
25. One sometimes avail for the voice of an archangel, but what would that avail. If the voice of Christ himself does not stir us to pray
26. Do not vow to pray so many minutes or hours per day. Resolve to pray much, but prayer, to be of value, must be spontaneous and not from constraint
27. If there are any regret in heaven the Greatest will be that we spend so little time in real intercession while we were on earth
28. You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed
29. God’s great storehouse is full of blessings only prayer can unlock, prayer is the key and faith turns the key opens the door, and claims the blessing
30. Prayer changes things-and yet how blind and slow we are to taste and see…

Bible Verses about Prayer

John 14: 13, Malachi 3:10, Luke 18:1, Luke11:1, Isaiah 59:16, John1:14, Romans 8:26, 1peter 2:9, mark 6:6, Isaiah64:7, Matthew 21:21-22, Psalm 51:10, 1John3:21

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